Keynote Speakers

Alejandro Cervantes Arias

Alejandro Cervantes Arias

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Dr Alejandro Cervantes Arias is a Full-Time Professor of internal medicine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and head of Clinical Oncology of the Small Animal Teaching Hospital. He graduated from UNAM in 2003, where he then finished his rotatory internship and residency in internal medicine and surgery for small animals at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital in 2006. From 2009 to 2013, he did his Phd in Molecular Biology in Oncology at the Roslin Institute and The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies of The University of Edinburgh, UK. He focused his research in Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and the acquisition of stem-like cell characteristics in mammary cancer in dogs, cats and humans. He presented part of his PhD research in different international conferences, including the ESVONC Congress in Glasgow in 2011, the World Veterinary Cancer Congress (WVCC) in Paris in 2012, the CONACYT conference for Mexican researchers in Strasbourg in 2012, the WVCC in Iguazú in 2016, among others.

In 2015, he joined the faculty of the School of Veterinary Medicine of UNAM as a Full-Time Professor in internal medicine, and since then, he has been the head of Clinical Oncology of the Small Animal Teaching Hospital. In 2016, he received the Annual School of Veterinary Medicine Award for the Best Lecturer.

Dr. Cervantes, along with other colleagues, founded the Mexican Association of Veterinary Oncology (AMONCOVET) in 2016 and was President of the association from 2019 to 2022. Today he is an active member of AMONCOVET and VCS. Also, he is part of the organizing committee of the World Veterinary Cancer Congress.

He is the founder and director of Veterinary Oncology Mexico since 2020.

His area of expertise is Clinical Oncology, but he has been engaged and specialised in the acquisition of better communication skills with cancer patient owners, thus he obtained a diploma in Psycho-oncology from the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross foundation and the Monterrey Institute of Technology in 2021.

He has given over 200 invited lectures at national and international congresses.

In his spare time, he likes to listen to his favourite bands (Metallica and Pink Floyd) and he loves to ride his motorcycle around Mexico, and hopes that someday he will be able to make a motorcycle trip around the whole American Continent (from Canada to Chile).