Keynote Speakers

Hirotaka Tomiyasu

Hirotaka Tomiyasu

The University of Tokyo


Hirotaka Tomiyasu is an Associate Professor of Veterinary Internal Medicine at the University of Tokyo.

He received his DVM and PhD from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan. During his PhD program at the Laboratory of Veterinary Internal Medicine, he studied the molecular biology of canine and human tumor cells, namely the mechanisms for the acquisition of chemotherapy resistance in canine lymphoid tumor cells.

After he received PhD in 2014, he joined the Dr. Modiano Lab at the University of Minnesota as Postdoctoral Associate, and he had mainly studied molecular pathology of canine osteosarcoma in addition to canine lymphoma.

Currently, he has served as a principal investigator of Laboratory Veterinary Internal Medicine at the University of Tokyo, and he has also worked as a veterinarian and cared many cases (especially in oncology) at Veterinary Medical Center, the University of Tokyo.

His primary research interest has been directed at the field of molecular biology of various neoplasms including hematopoietic tumors and histiocytic sarcoma. Recently, he has investigated the genetic aberration in these tumors using various techniques including next generation sequencing.